21 June 2018

Walk cycle

Walk Cycle

What is a walk cycle?
Within animation a walk cycle is a series of frames of a particular subject that can be drawn by digital or hand illustration. A walk cycle is created by looping the frames over and over to created the appearance that the subject is moving or walking; therefore creates an animation. A walk cycle is create by the use of 4 different types of frames, where the subject is positioned in a specific way in order to create the appearance of the character walking, without these four different frames the subject won't work and therefore not look as if it were moving in the animation. The four frames consist of the contact, recall , passing and high point. The first position is the contact position; this is where the leg of the subject makes full extension and contact with the surface- this position is the same pose that should be positioned at the start and the beginning of each loop of the animation. The second position is the down position or recall, where the weight of the subject should be adjusted so that one leg is slightly bent and the height of the subject is below the top line. The passing position is used in order to create the appearance of the character actually walking this position is very important within the walk cycle because with out it the character would look like it were moving in the animation, this position shows one of the characters legs raised slightly while the other is bent slightly- as if they were about to take a big step forwards. The last position in the walk cycle is the high point- this is the maximum height of which the characters leg should be extended (the one on the ground) and other leg raised high and extended. All together these four positions played on a loop can create the appearance of a subject or character walking in animation.


Over the past few days I've created a walk cycle animation which was created by assembling 4 key frames to represent a alien walking through space. I created initial design first by drawing out my alien man and scanning it into the computer. Then i transferred my drawing into photoshop where i began the editing process. First i REMO

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