16 March 2018

3DS Max Workshop

Lesson 1 - Basics and creating a chair

Within the 3Ds max workshop,  we learnt how to create a cube and chair within the soft ware, along with additional techniques in order to work around the soft ware in a more effective manor, for example the workshop allowed us to find shortcuts in order to use tools in quicker time, such as; adjusting a piece to full screen would be done by using the 'Alt' and 'W' keys on the keyboard. In addition to this when viewing your work you are able to view a full 360 degrees by using the 'Alt' and scroll button on your keyboard and mouse, i found personally this was a useful short cut as it made my productivity a lot faster. As part of the workshop we looked at 3D Max's user interface exploring different areas and getting more comfortable with using the soft ware for the first time. Learning about different tools and the effect they have on your work piece, modelling tools such as inset, beud and extrude are tool within 3D Max that allows you to make changes to the shapes that you are producing, where as select tools such as; edge, polygon and vertex allow you to alter the shape however not make fixed or dramatic changes. Over all my first experience with 3D max was relatively good and i feel more comfortable when using the application. Although my first experience using the soft ware was a good i found that i did run into some minor challenges, as I was forgetting what a specific tool would be used for and what it would alter.

Lesson 2- Creating a robot
Our aim for todays lesson was to ultimately create a robot using the 3DMAX software. We started off by creating a cube to create the first box for the head of the robot, using tool called 'connect' to create 4 specific lines in order to create the right position for the placement where the robots eyes would sit.

In addition to this by using the polygon tool within the software I was able to create and adjust the eyes, I did this by using the inset and extrude tool, making sure that they came out of the box so that they appeared to be more 3D and not flat with the original box.

Using the extrude tool I adjusted the amount that the eye protruded away from the head shape, I did this three specific times in order to create the eyelid, the eye and the eyeball. Within the screenshot below you can see this as there are three levels that the eye shape has protruded away from the box.

The next step in the process of creating the robots face, was to create a mouth shape this was done by creating more lines using the 'connect' tool then selecting 3 compartments. After the sections were chosen I clicked on the extrude tool and adjusted the amount that the mouth came out; however this time instead of the mouth protruding outwards such as the eyes; this time the rectangle shape was pushed inwards to create the appearance of an open mouth within my composition.

The last step within this session was to create a neck for the robots shoulders and body to be applied on to. This was done by creating a similar box shape then adjusting it to size to produce a smaller rectangle using the polygon tool in 3DMAX. Using the tools bevel and extrude I expanded the shoulders out into a roof shape before lastly creating a final box to create the shape of the torso.

What went well? What could be improved?
I have found that throughout the duration of this session I'm more focused and more confident using the software, finding each tool faster and more efficiently; keeping up with my peers around me. I enjoyed this second lesson using 3DSMAX as I was able to actually create something that looked nice but complex however to produce I found that the process was fairly easy to get my head around making. To improve my composition I would suggest that I spend more time messing around and adjusting specific areas that I have already created to make my 'robot' more realistic, in the most 3D digitally designed way as possible. Apart from that the only real thing that I struggled with today was if I lost concentration I would miss a particular step, therefore would have to ask my teacher or peer member to talk me through which tools to use in order to complete that step.

Lesson 3- Finishing Robot

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