25 January 2018

Stop Motion

What is Stop Motion?
Stop motion is a form of animation type. Stop motion animation can also be known as stop frame animation and is created by capturing images a frame at a time by photographs. The actual animation is created by the slight adjustment to what ever you are taking a photograph of by taking over 100 photographs and putting them together to create a animation.


What were the ideas that inspired the group?
We took inspiration from short stop motion animation videos that our tutor showed us in class, she showed us clay animation clips of peoples heads and food, we toyed with the idea of both faces and food before getting other inspiration from films such as 'Sausage party' and general ideas of creating an animation around the idea of fast food. We decided that we wanted to create a 15 second long animation involving around 180 photographs - 12 photos per second. We would base our animation around cooking fast food, this would include a hot dog in a bun with mustard sauce, fries on a plate with ketchup, a candle, a salt and pepper pot and a frying pan with onions inside it.

What have we done?
We started of by creating the main clay piece for the animation this was the 'Hot Dog' we started by rolling out the red clay into a cylinder 'sausage' shape, we then created the bun part to the hot dog by rolling out an orange shade of play dough on to a fat surface to create a rectangle shape, we then moulded the orange dough around the cylinder shape to create the appearance of a 'sausage in a bun'. we finished the hot dog by creating the mustard; this was done by rolling a small piece of yellow clay into a cylinder shape and then moulding it in a zig zag motion to create the appearance of sauce.
Next we created the fries to go with the hot dog, Emily my team mate rolled little yellow pieces of clay into small cylinders and then moulded them into the shape of fries making sure they were more rectangular than rounded at the ends. I then created the ketchup by rolling out the play dough the same way that I created the mustard for the hot dog. Ryan another member of the group created the plate for the fries to sit on this was down with white play dough and was rolled out flat as thin as the dough would go and we used a lid from the pot of clay to create a template for the plate. Emily and Ellie created both the salt and pepper pot and the sauce pan with onions. The s & p pot was made by creating a ball of dough and then moulding it into a oval rectangle type shape, adding details to the top and side of the pot. The sauce pan was made by rolling out a green piece of clay out flat into a circle to create the bottom of the pan, a cylinder shape was then constructed to create the outside of the pan and a rectangular shape to made the handle. onions were produced by using small little brown and black pieces of clay cut out in the shape of a diced onion. After this entire process we finished making the props for our animation.

What have we done well?
Over all, I feel that the end products of the clay food turned out well and were successful. All food were in proportion and looked good in the video clips of the animation. They took around an hour to make all pieces which meant that we had good time management; therefore had enough time to find the right lay out with the props and shoot each part separately and then together in enough time before we began to edit. We worked well together as a team and each member of the group has a key part to play in the creation of the animation.

What could we of done to improve?
To improve our animation we could of taken more photographs so that the video looked more streamline and more put together. As we only took around 100 photographs instead of 180. In addition to this we could of created a coloured back ground with props painted in the background so that the video looked more realistic instead our background was a simple white.

*insert images of stop motion animation here*

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