Step by step
- Draw an ellipse shape.
- Draw a line through the centre of the oval vertically and horizontally.
- Make two marks where the edge of the nose should be.
- Draw two ellipses for the eye shapes on the line.
- Make three points along the length of the nose at a varying distance to show the contours of the nose.
- Connect these lines and add subtle nostrils.
- position the mouth by drawing a flat line beneath the nose.
- Add eyelids by creating a curve for the over the eyes and create a curve for the eyebrows.
- Add a symmetrical curve for the cheeks from the corner of the eye and from the tip of the nose.
- Shape jawline.
- Begin to add hair to the hair and eyebrows, always reference here if you want to create a specific style.
- Finish the drawing by adding a flat line beneath the chin.
Over all these two drawings took be around 3 hours to complete simply because i took my time to add extra detail and shadowing to create a more realistic image, i used different shades of pencils to create depth and tone and ear buds in order to blend out my shading to create a softer shadow. Taking more time over you drawing makes the outcome of your drawing more detailed and realistic, With the simple steps listed above you can get a basic outline of your face and the structure, adding detail with shading portrays more structure and makes the image become 3D.