6 October 2017

Media Jobs and Employability Skills

Employability skills 

There are many skills and abilities that are needed or that employers are looking for when applying for a job. Most employers will look for specific targeted skills when looking to employ you, however it is also very important to have the general skills that would be required for any job, these skills are called 'employability skills'.
Some of these employ ability skills include:
  • Communication - Depending on the specific job that you are applying for, generally good communication and good writing skills are needed when applying for a job. Being able to communicate effectively and speaking to people with confidence is important as it allows both the customer and employers to communicate better with the employee. Writing skills should also be good enough to be understood in memo or email format.
  • Teamwork - Team work is very important as you will be working along side other colleagues and staff, therefor will need to work as part of a team or organisation to get tasks done effectively.
  • Problem Solving -  is about being able to find solutions to difficult tasks or elements within your job and overcoming them. Even if you are unable to resolve the situation immediately being able to think of a way to resolve the issue should be done logically.
  • Initiative and enterprise - This is about being able to think creatively so that you are able to improve the way things are in either the specific job role that you are in or within the company. Its also about being able to look at the bigger picture so that you can adjust the way that you work to fit it.
  • Planning and organisation - is about being able to work out a way to get the job done the most effectively, when it will be done and how it will be done. Planning and organisation also allow you to be able to meet deadlines on time and plan certain projects within the working environment. 
  • Self Management Is being able to keep on top of your own work without someone having to check up on you all the time, managing your own work and organising yourself so that you are able to meet deadlines or finish certain tasks on time.

Types of Media Jobs 

  • Broadcast engineer
  • Broadcast Journalist
  • Broadcast presenter
  • Camera operator
  • Cinematographer
  • Commissioning editor
  • Editorial assistant
  • Film director
  • Film/video editor 
  • Journalist
  • Lexicographer
  • Lighting technician (broadcasting /film)
  • Location manager
  • Magazine feature editor 
  • Magazine journalist
  • Newspaper journalist 
  • Press photographer
  • Press sub-editor
  • Print production planner
  • Programme research 
  • Publishing copy-editor/ proofreader
  • Publishing rights manager
  • Radio broadcast assistant 
  • Radio presenter
  • Radio producer
  • Runner (broadcasting film)
  • Graphics designer
  • General media researcher
  • Social media executive 
  • Science writer
  • Scriptwriter
  • Sound technician
  • Specialist photographer
  • Television film producer
  • Television floor manager
  • Television producing assistant 
  • TV presenter 
  • Writer 


Cinematographers, basically a massive name for directors of photography most often work along side film directors to give TV shows, music videos, TV adverts and films their own style and unique aesthetic. In order to create great content, cinematographers have to take responsibility for managing camera and lighting crews so that they are able to oversee the selection and manipulation of technical equipment to create striking images on screen. The way that a product of cinematic production such as a short film can make can produce a visual impact through the creative choices that cinematographers makes.

On average Cinematographers can earn anywhere between £50,000 -£300,000 a year, however cinematographers that are just starting out as 'junior camera operators' typically earn around £15,000 a year. After gaining some experience working within the industry a camera operators salary may increase to around £35,000 a year however this is only likely to increase after a few years of dedication before you can make the next step up on the employment ladder. Also with this specific type of work cinematographers that work freelance, may have a different wage due to the fact that it depends on how much they can get frequent secure work.

For the majority of the time cinematographers work long, irregular hours. Due to the fact that the industry that you would be working in is a long process anyway, the nature of film production can take many hours due to the process of film work. Weekends and overtime are very likely in the film industry and regular change in location is also extremely common too.

Before you apply 
Many Cinematographers attend a film or art school before getting specific work in the film industry, however it is not needed to get into the job role that you are looking for if you have the right qualifications, skills and experience. A way that you can already have an upper hand when looking for film work is to have a degree, or diploma in the subject that is most relevant to the work that you are looking for. Knowledge of cameras and film editing software also helps when applying for a job in the film industry as you don't need full training which makes the employers more likely to employ you.

Specialist Photographer 

Specialist Photography normally consists of creating visual images for a particular setting or purpose, this is normally with the help of a client or brief. Specialist Photography normally consists on fashion, portrait or occasion photography; such as wedding images. This is where most of the money and attention comes from in the photography business.  Specialist photography normally focus on one area of work however they can differentiate between areas if they are self- employed, where as those that are employed by a company typically just stick with that area of work. Specialist work also means that the images that are taken for a client need to be perfectly edited and to the standard of the client before moving onto the next brief.

With full time employment Specialist Photographers can earn anywhere between £10,000 - £20,000 a year, however depending on what area of work that you specialise in, in the industry wage can vary depending on what reputation that they have and how well they preform. High end photographers wage can be completely different and some can even earn £60,000+ if they work for magazines; for example Vogue.

Hours can vary due to both the line of work and time of year, a lot of photographers send many hours working overtime and have long days to earn commission. Due to seasonal changes some photographers like wedding photographer can only work part times as seasonal changes can be an issue, money is not as frequent in the winter time due to most weddings being in the spring/summer time.

Before you apply
Many photographers these days have a degree and have skills and qualifications in specific areas such as graphic design or digital imagery. Although qualifications are important they are not needed to get into photography, some take courses to gain more skills which help get into the industry but great determination, preservation and passion  along with a strong portfolio can help to get to where you want to be in the Specialist photography business.

Film and video editor 

Without this occupation, movies and films would be extremely long; lasting for days. TV programs would be incoherent and video and film clips would be miss matched and not make sense. Film and video editors are used in every post-production process. Editors use state of the art software to edit sound effects, CCG, dialogue and action. Editors would typically work along side the director in a suite or studio to make the ideas a reality, grabbing all the information, video clips and sound, storing it on file, cutting and editing the clips to how they want the product to look. 

Film and video editors wage can vary depending on how long they have been working in the industry, those who have been in the industry for a short amount of time, there wage can be anything between around £19,000 - £26,000 per year. Where as those that have been working in the industry for a little longer and have gained more experience and have improved there performance can earn around £37,000 per year. Senior Video/ film editors that are working along side high profile projects can earn a substantial amount more earning around £75,000 per year. However wage really does vary due to the experience that you have and how many years you have been in the photography business.

Working hours as a film/ video editor are fairly flexible especially if you are a freelancer, however due to dead lines there may be many, very long days working overtime to meet demands. Weekend and evening work is also very likely, depending on the project that you are working on.

Before you apply
A degree is not needed however completing an undergraduate degree can be helpful for the subject that you are working within. whether that be in creative media production, media studies, broadcast journalism, fine art, computer science, software engineering, animation, film production, graphics and photography. These qualifications and skills can help in securing a job within the industry as you already have elements of what is expected and required in that job role. Evidence that you are able to work with certain software can also be required, university can help with the right skills and qualifications that are needed for film/video editing as they teach you how to edit with many different types of software and equipment so that you have the skills that are required for the business.


Animation consists of 2D and 3D design whether that be hand drawn, graphic design or stop-motion. An animator produced a series of different frames which are all sequenced together to make an illusion of movement to make an animation. animators tend to gravitate towards 2D animation and 3D model making animation. To create more of a strongly featured animation, computer-generated animations are normally produced by motion pictures, this is so that special effects and other elements that go into creating an animation can be used in areas such a television, the Internet and computer game business.

Starting animators typically earn around £12,000- £15,000 a year however computer game animator would start at around £18,000 a year; increase with experience also means an increase in wage. Senior animators with at least 10 years experience can earn double that pushing up their wage to around £36,000+.

The hours of an animator are around the same as working in an office job, working around 40 hours a week, however when deadlines approach weekend work and overtime are more likely to arise. Flextime is also quite a big thing, so you would need to be flexible with dedicating time.

Before you apply 
The typical skills needed for animation rely on your artist ability, but there is an increasing demand on animator with technical computer skills. Even though the job is still open to undergraduates, a degree in on of these specific areas is looked for when being employed; animation, art & design, computer engineering, design for moving images, film & video, graphic design/ illustration, model making, multimedia and 3D design. Application with out higher education is unusual however not impossible, exceptions are made for those who are talented and skilled in animation work. Artistic background is just as important as having the IT skills and abilities.

Graphic Designer 

Graphic designers work in a variety of different areas such as websites, advertising, books, posters, computer games and magazines. Graphic designers work with an agreed brief from the client that they are producing graphic work for. They work alone side creative directors and account management to develop ideas until the client is satisfied with the brief before creating the product. With graphics it is also important to keep everything up to date and keep the client informed, software should also be kept up to date along with cost and deadlines.

As a graphic designer your starting salary doing junior graphics would be around £15,000-£19,000 per year. With a little more experience wage can increase to around £27,000 per year. After a couple years with experience wage can increase to up to £35,000 per year. Senior graphics designers can earn a substantial amount more of £55,000 a year,  however a creative director that also does graphic design can ear £60,000+. Those who work as a freelance graphic designer can earn around £200- £400 per day depending on what already experience you have and can increase when you have a good track record with recommendations.

Typically graphic designers work around 37 hours per week, with some flexible hours with starting and finishing times. Over time are more likely when deadlines are due; this may mean starting earlier or finishing later. Self- employed and freelance graphic designers are very comment however you will need multiple years of experience to establish these reliable contacts.

Before you apply 
In order to become a graphics designer you need qualifications or experience in these areas; 3D design, communication design, film or television, fine art, graphic design, illustration, photography, or visual arts.  For many of these areas you will need a degree or HND to increase your chances of employment.  Doing any course that will give you experience with in the industry will help you to get some good ground and knowledge of design and art, it is also important that you have qualifications with working in IT or have good knowledge of working with computers.


Journalist write news stories or articles for the public to read, they do this by gathering together information from a number of different sources whether that be primary and secondary research, to ensure that all arguments are represented, they keep the audience up to date with what is happening with the world.  Journalists work in many areas some of theses areas include; reading press releases, researching articles, establishing and maintaining contacts, interviewing sources, writing,editing, attending events, proofreading, and staying up to date with privacy.

Wage within the journalism industry for newspapers and magazines have quite a low salary compared to other journalism wages. On average a newspaper journalist earns around £22,000  per year, the starting salary is around £12,000- £15,000 a year whether it is in a local, regional or national newspaper. After around 5 years in the journalism business wage may increase to around £25,000 a year while with a decade of experience can get you to around £35,000- £40,000 a year.

Journalism can take up a lot of time and effort working frequent hours. early within your career to work an early or late shift is very common, being flexible is recommended for breaking news and deadlines.
Before you apply 
Journalism is open to graduates of any discipline however will need a degree in journalism, Good English grades in both GCSE and A-Levels can help to improve your chances. But some editors are more likely to employ those who already have a degree as they are more interested in those who have a special degree in either economics or science. Some experience and qualifications are also needed and evidence of these areas are also very important; strong written and oral communication skills, a strong interest in news, business and current affairs, good punctuality and spelling, good organisation skills and the ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines, the ability to grasp complex issues and to be able to think quickly, also to be determined, persistent, motivated and resilient.

TV presenter 

In order to become a TV presenter it is important that you have confidence, charisma and  clear speaking voice. A TV presenter or broadcast presenter is a public leader that is known for there face and voice, via Internet, TV or radio. TV presenters work in a variety of different areas including many different platforms like national, regional and satellite and cable TV. The role of the presenter is to inform and entertain the audience in an accessible and attractive way. Introducing Hosts, programs, links between topics and interviewing guests to engage the audience.

Wage can be very big depending on the area of work that you are in, this depends on whether you are a broadcaster or working full time on a radio station or freelance. Previous experience can help towards bigger pay and successful presenters can earn a significant amount more. payments and wage normally differ depending on what job you have, or specific show that you do.

Work for the majority is longer than a 9am-5pm job. Hours are long and unsocial, meaning it involves a lot of early mornings, evenings and weekends, but this can change depending on the timing of the program or if its pre-recorded.

Before you apply

You don't need a degree in order to become a TV present or broadcaster however it is important that you have the practical skills needed and experience already.  Good clear communication skills are important as well as being a confident personality but other then that not a lot of qualifications are needed.


There are many different types of photographers and many areas that you can go into in the industry; some of the types of photography that are most popular in terms of for money are; advertising, corporate, editorial, fashion, fine art and social photography- known as general practise; this can include wedding photography and portraiture.

wage can vary enormously. Many photographers can work in freelance so hours and pay can differ a lot. In full time employment wage starts at around £12,000-£22,000, salary can increase after more experience from around £25,000 - £65,000 per year however these tend to be those who have many years experience and hold a good reputation and are highly asked for.


Hours can differ however they are mostly unpredictable and are mostly led by demand. Wedding photographs are known to have more high demand in the spring and summer due to that being 'wedding season' weddings aren't very comment in the winter other than around christmas time. Sports photographers are more likely to work on the weekends and evenings to cover events. There for depending on what you do in the photography industry hours can vary a lot unless you have a certain hourly business.


Illustrators use their creative skills to create and design communicative stories to portray and idea or message. Illustrators work from a brief and entertain what the client is looking for, for the specific audience. typically they specialise in a particular design just as drawing or photography illustrations. There are a few areas that illustrators can work in they include; advertising, publishing, corporate work, editorial, fashion, merchandising, and multimedia.

For an illustrator typically their starting wage starts at around £15,000, £20,000 pounds per year, with experience of a few years you can earn anything between £20,000- £30,000 a year. Well experienced and established illustrators can earn £40,000+. Where as freelance work can differ as agents can take up to 40% of income, work can also be sold through stock houses and can take substantial commission.

In order to create and maintain an excellent reputation it is very important that you keep up to date with deadlines this may result in sometimes working very long hours, during weekends and evenings in order to deliver the brief on time and effectively.

Before you apply 
Within this area in the industry, it is open to graduates and diplomates but having qualifications in certain areas such as; fashion, art ,graphic design, printmaking and visual arts can help to increase you chances of being employed. It is also possible to apply without a degree or HND or a foundation degree. But even though you do not need a post graduate qualification a diploma or MA in graphic design or illustrator can be an advantage when you are applying against other candidates.

Social media executive 

As a social media executive you will work with various clients in social media accounts, working closely with account managers in order to plan and deliver social media activities. Using your skills you need to be able to link with other clients websites and social media accounts. Posting and scheduling on social media with advertising and marketing, creating ads.

Wage is around £20,000- £25,000 pounds per year but can increase depending on the amount of increase in work load.

Hours are structured and are full time. 9am- 5pm job role with around 37 and a half hours per week, working from monday to friday. Working on weekends is very rare in this type of job and hours can be flexible depending on how long you have been in the industry.

Before you apply 

Before applying for this specific job you need at least one years experience in a similar type of job, have experience with social media marketing but also social campaigns. Good grammar, spellings and english language skills, be professional, have an eye for detail and be adaptable. In order to work in social media you don't really need any specific qualifications other than a few key skills and understanding.

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